Hack and innovate, the Engineer's way.

We create space and support for the enthusiasts to step into the future.


Developer Series

Nov 03    

Introduction to Git

Nov 17    

Project collaboration with "GitHub"

Nov 24    

Introduction to Node.js

Dec 01    

MongoDB Express REST API with Node.js

Dec 09    

Introduction to React

Competitive Programming

Nov 5

Competitive Programming Day 01

Nov 13

Competitive Programming Day 02

Nov 19

Competitive Programming Day 03

Nov 26

Competitive Programming Day 04

Dec 10

Competitive Programming Day 05

Developer Series

It's time to explore Technologies!!

Our developer series sessions will introduce you to the tools that you must have up on your sleeve to be a successful Engineer in the world of Computing. And also get a chance to master some of them with our Developer Resources.

This Developer Series mainly focuses on front-end web development, with server-side support, for implementing a multi-platform solution for the real world problems. You are provided with all the learning materials and we will guide you to get the best out of them. The sessions are organized from the basics and this is an invaluable chance for you to start the journey of mastering on the Web Development world.

Competitive Programming

Its time to find the optimal solution

Our competitive programming session will facilitate you to prepare yourself for coding contests. In each session the participants are given theoretical knowledge as well as a programming challenge on Hackerrank platform, to give hands-on experience on Competitive Programming. For each challenge, the best performers will be announced and published in social media in order to encourage the students towards Competitive Programming. This is a great opportunity for all of you to learn new things and improve your problem solving skills, critical thinking and knowledge about algorithms.